vrijdag, juli 26, 2024
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Will we soon trade our Facebook password for a USA visa?

First there was the controversial entry ban for certain muslim countries and now the Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly has a new proposal. When applying for a visa they can ask you to hand over your social media passwords.

According to Kelly this is necessary “As background check, to check if the person is no danger for our security”. The proposal is (especially) targeting the 7 countries that were already include in the entry ban. “It’s very hard to truly vet these people in these countries, the seven countries. But if they come in, we want to say, what websites do you visit, and give us your passwords. So we can see what they do on the internet.”

No decision has been taken yet, but according to Kelly it’s one of the possibilities. He added: “These are the things we are thinking about. But over there we can ask them for this kind of information and if they truly want to come to America, then they will cooperate. If not, next in line.”

Amerikaanse simkaart

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Reisadapter voor Amerika

In de VS is het moeilijk om een overgangsstuk te vinden van Europese naar Amerikaanse stekkers, dus neem je best zelf een adapter mee. Deze TESSAN Reisadapter USA met 2 usb-poorten is ideaal.

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