zaterdag, juli 27, 2024
No menu items!


Tipping is an American tradition you really should know when travelling to the USA. It can be quite confusing to tourists.

Waitresses, bartender, taxi drivers, .. all work for quite a low pay. Americans love to decide for themselves how much a service was worth and show their appreciation in their tips. So tips are part of the salary. Tipping is not mandatory, but it isn’t decent to not give a tip! 

FooienFor every service there are some unwritten guidelines:
– In a restaurant the tip should be between 15% and 20% of the check before taxes. A tip is not needed in fast food or self-service restaurants.
– Bartenders get about 50 cent per drink.
– The maid should get 1$ per day. It’s best to leave the money every day, and not the total amount at the end because every day a different maid could clean up your room.
– Bellboys get 1$ or 2$ per bag, depending on the weight.
– After the porter got you a cab and opened the door he will expect 1$
– For a taxi a tip of 10% is appropriate, 15% if you have luggage.
– Valet parking is worth 2$ when they get your car.

Amerikaanse simkaart

Verbonden blijven tijdens je trip door de USA? Dan heb je een Amerikaanse simkaart nodig. USA SIM heeft alles wat je nodig hebt.

Amerikaanse prepaid simkaart

Reisadapter voor Amerika

In de VS is het moeilijk om een overgangsstuk te vinden van Europese naar Amerikaanse stekkers, dus neem je best zelf een adapter mee. Deze TESSAN Reisadapter USA met 2 usb-poorten is ideaal.

=> Bekijk bij Amazon

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